What Can You Get From Taking Inositol Powder

11 Dec

Due to the many different stressful human activities every day, more and more drugs are being discovered to loosen up this unwanted condition of a person. One of the medicines that are discovered to be effective in helping to get rid of such condition is Inositol powder.

vitamin supplementsWhat is Inositol?

Inositol is the main transition of subordinate messengers and the chief component of phospholipids on cellular membrane, which is included in several biological processes. Inositol has been recognized to be vital for insulin and calcium signal transduction and for modulation of serotonin activity as well. It has been proven that inositol can help get rid of undesired feelings as it is useful in stabilizing moods or brain wellness.

Inositol powder consumed mixed with juice or water has numerous supposed uses for a person’s health. Few manufacturers have claimed that it can help a person to overcome anxiety and also effective as depression treatment, while some purport that it can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. There are other researches stated that Inositol Niacinate can help treat problems about blood circulation and reduce triglyceride levels. However, even though these are based on lab researches, Inositol powder still doesn’t undergo the tough and thorough testing needed in order to prove the claims.

If the drug is taken without having the proper knowledge of its usage a person may develop different inositol side effects such as the following:

  • Lightheadedness – dizziness or lightheadedness may occur during your first intake of this supplement. Lightheadedness can allow you to feel like you’re about to faint, wherein dizziness can cause you to feel some unplanned movement or sort of spinning. Such adverse reactions may happen separately or together. Even though there is no severe side effect that constitutes them, it may still cause you to be out of balance that may create injuries when you fall. Lightheadedness or dizziness must probably pass while you become familiar of taking the powder. If one or both conditions linger or become serious, talk to your physician.
  • Appetite changes – intake of Inositol powder can allow you to have lesser desire of eating your average food consumption. You can feel like you are already full or perhaps seeing the sort of food can make you feel sick. Typically, these changes on appetite occur during the initial intake of the supplement. Take note that such occurrence should stop without stopping them. When this side effect remains, immediately consult a physician.
  • Changes on skin color – changes on skin color may occur like flushing when your first use of the supplement. Flushing may allow the skin to turn warm and red and might produce sweating. However, it should disappear during the first 7 days while taking the supplement. Just like other side affects you may consult your doctor if it continues to occur.
  • Loose stools – Intake of the Inositol powder can induce loose stools or diarrhea. You can feel that you’re in need of using the toilet most of the times. You may also suffer from minor cramping during this usual, non-serious and temporary side effect.

Even though there are some side effects that can be experienced once the supplement is used like the ones mentioned above, there are still notable inositol benefits you can get from its intake, find out more about it here: http://inositolpowderhub.com

Controversy Surrounding the Use of Inositol Powder

5 Dec

Inositol powder is among those rare substances that are associated with a somewhat shady history which it does not actually deserve. Although its proponents cited it as a healing agent which can be abundantly found in numerous foods and with positive effects that can be used for treating some mental illnesses, the substance is yet to overcome an extremely bad reputation of being considered as “cutting agent” used in illegal drugs.

Inositol which makes up this powdered substance is a kind of chemical compound composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. This can be found inside the human body and in nature and this is an essential part in most of the vital cells in the body. This compound can also be found in nature in numerous food stuffs, and the ones which have high inositol content include nuts, bran cereals, cantaloupes, beans, oranges, melons as well as other fruits. The scientists have considered inositol as a kind vitamin for quite some time yet when you see an advertisement about inositol being a vitamin, you can now take note that it has already been proven that your body can actually process the compound all by itself, which means that the substance cannot be included in the vitamin category.

But what did the powdered form of inositol do to make it badly reputed? Those despicable characters who are processing and vending illegal narcotics found out that the powder actually has the similar characteristics and properties as that of drugs. For this reason, they started using inositol powder as a kind of “cutting agent.” In using cutting agent, producers and traffickers of narcotics mix the powder (as well as other agents such as silica gel flour, soda, and rat poison) with drugs that will then dilute its strength while making the real drug weightier and much more substantial. And as it passes from the producers down to the street level peddlers, the drug is being further diluted through the use of powders in order for them to make more profit since the drug is being sold by weight. Good thing that inositol powder, being innocent and undeserving of this kind of reprehensible reputation, offers more benign benefits and uses.

It was discovered by scientists that among the numerous inositol benefits are that this can help with nerves, insulin, cell growth, cholesterol and fat break down, building stronger bones and altering the serotonin level in the human body. Its connection with serotonin is particularly interesting because the scientists also learned that patients suffering from the medical condition called clinical depression manifested reduced inositol levels in the cerebrospinal fluid. It was then the reason why scientists studied inositol’s effects on people who have clinical depression and learned that high dose of supplements containing inositol can remarkable help in promoting chronic depression recovery. Based from this study’s findings, scientists proceeded to testing the inositol powder uses and its effects on some other mental ailments, which include panic disorder, bulimia, OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and agoraphobia.

Although further research is needed in order to properly establish the potency of inositol powder as a good depression treatment and brain wellness enhancer, it cannot be denied that it deserves more praises instead of being shunned as a disadvantageous substance.

Top Uses of Inositol Powder

1 Dec

These days, more and more people are starting to realize how crucial it is to ensure that their body is always in tip-top shape. Many supplements are out in the market with the aim of helping individuals attain good body condition and one of these is inositol powder. But what is inositol and how useful can it be for you and your goal of maintaining good health?

Inositol powder is discovered to provide numerous uses. Inositol is an extremely essential natural vitamin which is being used by the body for a lot of purposes. Aside from the fact that it regulates the nutrients moving in and out the cells, this also possesses some properties that make it a good depression treatment and is even used in natural prevention and treatment of cancer. Also, the link between OCD and inositol are still under studies these days because of the possibility of valid connection between inositol deficiency and OCD disorders.

Here are some of the top uses of inositol:


It is believed that depression is a result of low serotonin levels and reduced communication between the neurotransmitters. Among the top inositol benefits is that this has the ability of interacting with serotonin. This basically helps in increasing and regulating the correct signals between neurotransmitters, which then promotes brain wellness and healthier brain activity.

Hair Growth Enhancer and Prevention of Hair Loss

It is also said that inositol powder can help in prevention of hair loss while promoting hair growth. Among the main reasons why hair loss is being experience is because the scalp does not get sufficient amount of nutrients that is needed to promote growth of new hair. Also, inositol allows the correct nutrients to be distributed among cells. One more issue behind the development of hair loss is the auto-immune disease in which the body assaults itself. There are even cases when hair growth is viewed by the body as a kind of attack, which is why the system ends up destroying the process. With the use of inositol, proper communication among the cells will be better promoted.


In this particular case, inositol hexaphosphate comes in handy as this is discovered as a natural compound that fights off cancer. It was originally during the 1980s when Abulkalam Shamsuddin Md, PhD who sparked some interest on inositol benefits as an anti-cancer compound and from then on, studies have been conducted by researchers. Also, it is thought that inositol can also promote the usual death of cancer cells and hinder their spread. Because inositol is a kind of natural compound that can be found in foods known as great cancer fighters, consuming bigger safe amounts of these will also mean stronger effects.

Weight Loss and Inositol Powder

These two have found out to have an interesting link because inositol can help in regulating metabolism and removing unnecessary fatty deposits.

There is no doubt that inositol powder offers numerous benefits. However, it is still a must to take extra precaution when using this because of the possible inositol side effects.

Discover The Many Wonders Of Inositol Powder

28 Nov

inositol powderInositol is a kind of chemical compound that can be abundantly found in many foods aside from being naturally synthesized inside the human body. This also helps in the proper cell membrane formation and can aid serotonin. When the body has low inositol levels, different ailments can develop. Inositol powder as well as other supplements is usually associated with numerous benefits, many of which still do not have any scientific foundation up to these days. These benefits range from fantastic to those which are simply plain weird but many evidences have shown that the inositol benefits are really true and effective.

Inositol and Its Benefits

Several tests conducted on those patients who suffer from depression and similar mental health problems have showed that inositol is a great depression treatment and can boost brain wellness, providing some remarkable decrease in severity of agoraphobia, panic attacks well as OCD symptoms in a minimal to almost no side effect at all. Also, there were some tests that were conducted on autism in relation to the use of inositol but unfortunately, the supplement has not delivered any noticeable and useful effect on the said condition.

The inositol powder is also beneficial for people who have naturally low levels of it, whether the insufficiency is due to the failure of the system in producing the needed amount or there is not enough inositol intake through the normal diet. Many of those who have already tried using the product have attested to increased concentration. They also claimed that ADHD symptoms have been significantly reduced, making them feel more relaxed and even helped in preventing hair loss. However, no matter how exciting this last benefit might sound, it is a must to keep in mind that this effect might only be applicable to those individuals whose hair loss case was due to a disorder related to low levels of inositol. In case your low inositol levels is a result of dietary issues, instead of using supplements, it will be best to simply augment your consumption of foods which have natural inositol content, good examples of which include beans, nuts, oranges, and wheat. On the other hand, if you are suffering from low amount of inositol because your body fails to produce the sufficient amount needed or your diet is being restricted because of allergies, using supplements will be a better choice. However, there are some supplements that come with high prices so make sure that you choose the one that is of good quality but is afford in a much reasonable price.

Using inositol powder is a great option for people who feel uncomfortable with taking medication to promote brain wellness, considering that inositol side effects are usually minimal. However, never forget that even the best supplement can never replace medical care of an expert so make sure that you still consult your doctor prior to using products that contain inositol. This way, you will be assured that you will not be posing your own health to further risks.